Fun facts
Interesting facts about the human body

Most people have no idea how complex and perfect the mechanism we got in the form of our body. We suggest you familiarize yourself with some facts about the human body.
- If you wash your nose with salt water, you can avoid many unpleasant symptoms, including those of allergic origin.
- Fruits and vegetables can help the body make its own aspirin.
- An hour of sleep can lift spirits for a long time. The generally recognized record of staying without sleep is 264 hours (11 days).
- Strawberries and baking soda can whiten your teeth, garlic kills nail fungus, and honey helps ease a hangover.
- Regular gymnastics can reduce the incidence of cancer in women (provided they get enough sleep).
- Vitamins cannot protect against cancer or heart disease.
- Almonds, avocados and arugula stimulate libido and increase fertility.
- Antibacterial wipes can transfer germs from one place to another if used for a long time.
- If you keep a “food diary”, then attempts to lose extra pounds will be twice as effective.
- If you look at yourself while training on the treadmill, the result will be better.
- When walking against the wind, in water or with a heavy backpack on your back, you burn 50 more calories than walking without loads.
- Foreign accent syndrome, “exploding head” syndrome, and “Alice in the Looking Glass” syndrome are the names of real, but very rare diseases.
- It is impossible to get a tan using a computer monitor. Some sites claim the opposite, but this is not true.
- Smokers are four times more likely to feel tired in the morning than a non-smoker and have a 70% greater risk of hearing problems.
- “Third-hand smoke” (smoke particles that stick to the smoker’s hair and spread around the room over a long period of time) can pose a cancer risk to children and pets.
- Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathtub. As a rule, there are thousands of bacteria in the water stream and the tap. The same can be said about the sponge you use to wash the dishes.
Let’s treat our body with more respect and attention. Respect your health!