Men abroad who failed to update their military records faced the first sanctions

Ukrainian men who are abroad and have not updated their military registration data or have not been excluded from military registration will not be able to use a number of administrative services related to transport and driver’s licenses. According to resolutions Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 918 dated August 13, 2024, male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 who have not updated their data in the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Conscripts and Reservists will not be able to obtain or exchange a driver’s license, register or re-register vehicle, as well as remove it from the register.
Branches of the Ukrainian Migration Service abroad accept documents for the above operations, but this does not apply to men who have not updated their military data. Also, international post offices will not send driver’s licenses and vehicle registration certificates to such persons.
This decree of the Cabinet of Ministers also stipulates that during martial law and three months after its end, restrictions are granted to all men aged 18 to 60, if no updates have been made to their data in the register. You can update this data using the “Rezerv+” application, where you can specify your current place of residence, e-mail and phone.
“To establish that during the period of martial law and within three months from the date of its termination or cancellation: separate divisions (branches, representative offices) of a state enterprise located outside of Ukraine, belonging to the sphere of management of the State Migration Service, accept documents for obtaining administrative services from exchanging a driver’s license, including one issued for the first time, or obtaining it after its loss or theft, as well as regarding state registration (re-registration), deregistration of vehicles, except for vehicles that require an expert examination, and issuance of formalized results of their issuance or refusal in providing
The provisions of the second paragraph of this resolution regarding the issuance of formalized results of the provision of administrative services do not apply to male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60, for whom there is no information on exclusion from military registration or clarification in the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists ( update) of personal data; driver’s license and vehicle registration certificate, made on a form, ordered by means of the driver’s electronic cabinet of the functional subsystem of the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or by means of the Unified state web portal of electronic services, in particular using the mobile application of the Diya Portal (Diya), to male citizens of Ukraine from 18 to 60 years old, for whom there is no information in the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists about exclusion from military registration or about clarification (updating) of personal data, are not forwarded in international postal items”. – it is stated in the resolution of the CMU.
Also, these men will not be able to get either a driver’s license or a vehicle registration certificate through international post offices. Citizens can use the “Reserve+” application to update their military registration data, such as their current place of residence, e-mail address, and phone number.