Ukrainian refugees

There are fewer refugees: how many Ukrainians went abroad this year

The largest number of Ukrainian refugees went abroad in 2022. Last year, the migration flow slowed down, but the numbers still remained striking. However, in 2024, the number of those returning to the Motherland increased, while emigrants decreased. During January-April, about 69,000 citizens left Ukraine.

In total, in four months, the border for entry and exit was crossed 7.8 million times. Most Ukrainians left temporarily and returned. Only 69,000 people, or only 1.5% of those who left in 2024, did not return home.

There are fewer refugees: how many Ukrainians went abroad this year

There are fewer refugees: how many Ukrainians went abroad this year

There are fewer refugees: how many Ukrainians went abroad this year
Source: Opendatabot

It is interesting that the trend is changing so that more Ukrainians are returning than emigrating.

“In April, for the first time since the beginning of the year, more citizens returned home than left – as many as 56 thousand. In general, this year the number of those who did not return increased slightly compared to last year – then 62 thousand Ukrainians did not return. For comparison, for the whole of last year 14.1 million Ukrainians left Ukraine last year. Only 142,000 of them remained abroad. This is 15 times less than in the first year of the full-scale war.” – analysts of the portal note “opendatab”.

We will remind, in March more Ukrainian refugees left 9 EU countries, than entered there. In particular, the number of persons with the status of temporary protection in the Czech Republic decreased by 20.7 thousand (-5.4%). Our fellow citizens in Sweden decreased by almost 10,000 people (-21.5%). In addition, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Austria (-9.1 thousand, or -11.1%), Denmark (-5.4 thousand, or -14.5%) and Poland (-1.7 thousand ., or -0.2%).

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Despite this, half of Ukrainians may not return home even after the end of the war. According to the results of a study conducted by the Center for Economic Strategy (CES), about 52% of refugees definitely or probably plan to live in Ukraine in the future. In addition, more than 100,000 Ukrainians may emigrate after the end of the war to join their families abroad.

“According to our calculations, an additional 87,600 Ukrainians may go abroad under the optimistic scenario, 115,000 under the average scenario, and 154,900 under the pessimistic scenario,” are reported CEC analysts.


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