On this day

August 28: holidays and events on this day

On August 28, Ukrainians celebrate Obzhynky, the world celebrates the International Day of Public Reading of Comics, Dream Day.

On August 28, 1869, Volodymyr Gromov was born – one of the founders of domestic criminology. On August 28, 1937, the automobile company “Toyota” was founded.


Obzhynky is an ancient Ukrainian holiday, which is celebrated after the end of the harvest, when the fields have already been harvested and the harvest has been collected in the barns. This day symbolizes the end of hard work in the field and is a kind of thanks to nature and the earth for their generosity. Traditionally, Obzhynky was celebrated on August 28, which coincides with the Christian holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Interesting facts

The holiday has pagan roots and is associated with the worship of the gods of fertility and nature. It symbolizes gratitude to the earth for the harvest and preparation for the next agricultural cycle.

One of the main traditions of Obzhynok is weaving a wreath from ears of corn, which is called “obzhynkovy vinok”. This wreath is often decorated with wildflowers and ribbons and symbolizes fertility and wealth.

During the harvest, the peasants left a few unharvested ears of corn on the field, from which they then formed the “last sheaf”. This sheaf was considered a symbol of life and fertility, it was brought home and kept until the next year.

Obzhynki often became an occasion for large village festivities and celebrations, where songs, dances, and fairs were organized. It was a time for rejoicing and taking stock of hard work.

After the harvest, bread was baked from new grain, which was considered holy and was brought to the church for consecration. This bread was used during the festive feast as a symbol of abundance and well-being.

Although traditional Obzhynka are now rarely celebrated in their original form, they have survived in the form of various local holidays and festivals dedicated to the end of the harvest. In some regions of Ukraine, these traditions continue to live, albeit in a form adapted to modern times.

International Day of Public Comic Reading

The purpose of this holiday is to popularize the culture of comics among different segments of the population. This date was not chosen by chance – it was on this day in 1917 that Jack Kirby was born, one of the most famous and influential creators of comics, who worked on such famous characters as Captain America, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and many others.

Interesting facts

The first comic in the modern sense appeared in 1896 in the USA, when the New York World company published the first series “Yellow Kid”. This comic was a huge success and started a new genre in the medium.

This day encourages comic fans to gather in public places – parks, libraries, cafes – and read comics together. It can be either reading your favorite issues or getting to know new stories.

In Ukraine, comics culture has been gaining popularity since the early 2000s. Today, major cities host festivals and fairs dedicated to comics, where fans can find both translations of world hits and original Ukrainian comics.

Comics are used not only for entertainment but also for educational and social purposes. For example, many organizations use comics to raise awareness of important social issues such as the environment, human rights, and even to teach children to read.

Modern comics cover a huge range of genres – from superheroes and fantasy to romance, detectives and historical dramas. This allows everyone to find something to their taste.

Some issues of comics have a very high collectible value. For example, the first issue of Action Comics, which featured Superman for the first time, sold for $3.2 million at auction in 2014.

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Dream day

Dream Day is celebrated on August 28, a holiday that reminds people of the importance of dreams in our lives. This day encourages us to stop for a moment, think about our dreams, set new goals and believe in their realization. Dream Day emphasizes that every dream is the first step towards achieving something bigger.

On August 28, 1963, 200,000 to 300,000 people, of whom about 80% were African Americans, gathered in Washington for a peaceful protest. During this event, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech: “I have a dream”.

The main point of his speech was that “no one has the right to destroy your dreams.”

Martin Luther King was a famous public figure who dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom and equality of all citizens, regardless of their race, nationality, religion or other affiliation.

After this large-scale action, the US government passed two important laws: the Civil Rights Act, which prohibited racial segregation in public places, and the Voting Rights Act, which ensured equal voting rights for African Americans.

In 1964, Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize. And August 28 became Dream Day — a day that reminds us of the importance of dreams as a driving force for change and a source of inspiration that helps bring ideas to life. As experience shows, a dream will become a reality if you add a good plan to it. And don’t forget: “Optimists have dreams come true, and pessimists have nightmares!”

Interesting facts

Dreams are often the beginning of great discoveries, creative ideas and personal achievements. Many great inventions and achievements in human history began with a dream.

Psychologists claim that visualization of a dream helps in its realization. Creating collages of images that symbolize your desires or writing down plans for the future can help you focus on achieving your goal.

Many successful people are known to insist on the importance of dreams in their lives. They claim that dreams provide direction and motivation to achieve goals, even when circumstances seem unfavorable.

Dream Day can be celebrated together with friends or family, discussing joint dreams and plans. This not only strengthens mutual understanding, but also helps to see new ways of achieving common goals.

Dreams help a person understand his aspirations and determine his life path. They can be big or small, realistic or fantastic, but every dream is worth paying attention to, because it can become a source of motivation and self-development.

Dreams can serve as a means of escape from everyday worries and stresses. They help to focus on the positive aspects of life and find inner peace, which is especially important in today’s world.

Historical events on this day

1988 in Germany, during demonstration flights at the American airbase in Ramstein, three Italian planes collided in the air during a group flight. The wreckage of the planes fell on the spectators, which resulted in the death of 66 people.

1990 Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait to its territory, declaring it the 19th province. Kuwait City was renamed Kadima, and a new urban area was created in honor of Saddam Hussein. On the same day, a new puppet government headed by Alaa Hussein was established.

1996 British Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially divorced in London after 15 years of marriage and 4 years of living separately.

1999 in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, the tallest building in the world at that time was opened – the 88-story Petronas Twin Towers. The height of each of the towers was 452 meters. One of the towers was occupied by the headquarters of the Petronas oil company, and the other by the offices of its partners and multinational corporations.

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August 28, 1869 Volodymyr Yustynovych Gromov was born – one of the most outstanding figures of the judicial department of the past and one of the founders of domestic criminology.

He began his career as a court investigator, and later became an investigator of particularly important cases. After the events of 1917, Volodymyr Gromov continued to work in investigative bodies, heading the department for investigating official misconduct. His work was characterized as “exceptional” in this field.

Most of his scientific works were devoted to issues of organization and methods of crime investigation, as well as problems of evidence in the criminal process. Thanks to these works, Volodymyr Yustynovych became one of the founders of domestic criminology. He was called “one of the best specialists in the field of investigative work, an excellent connoisseur of criminology and investigative methods.” He was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences without a thesis defense.

He wrote several notable, though undeservedly forgotten, books, including: “Investigation and preliminary investigation” (six editions), “Methodology of crime investigation”, “The art of crime investigation”, “Investigation of official and economic crimes”, “Physical evidence and scientific -criminal technique”, “Criminal studies”, “Investigative practice on examples”, “Desktop book of the investigator”.

In his works, the author outlined typical methods of investigating certain types of crimes, available to every employee, regardless of his personal qualities and abilities. He formulated the general principles of the tactics of various investigative actions and developed the theoretical principles of investigative activities.

August 28, 1937 The Toyota automobile company was founded as an independent enterprise, the founder of which was Kiichiro Toyoda. The history of the company began with weaving machines. Sakichi Toyoda, the company’s founder, was a talented engineer and inventor. He was the first in Japan to create a successful automatic loom. His invention attracted the attention of the largest textile manufacturer in the world at that time – the British company. Sakichi agreed to sell the patent rights to his machine, and his son, Kiichiro, traveled to Britain to complete the deal. After visiting England, he became interested in the idea of ​​creating his own automobile production. Japan also needed cars. The son acted on the advice of his wise father:

  • purchased a large batch of foreign cars;
  • completely disassembled them into their constituent parts;
  • studied the structure and operation of mechanisms in detail;
  • immersed himself in the automotive industry and became a real expert in this field.

Car production was established in the city of Koromo (now Toyota) at new production facilities. The first Toyota passenger car was equipped with an engine with a volume of 3389 cubic meters. cm and drum brakes on each wheel, and was created on the basis of cars of the American brands “Dodge” and “Chevrolet”.

It is interesting that the character “Toyoda” required nine strokes of the brush, and the number nine is considered unlucky in Japan. Therefore, after the competition, a new name was chosen – “Toyota”, which is similar in sound, but requires only eight movements to write. Eight in Japan is considered not only a lucky number, but also a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Every year, Toyota invests about 10 billion dollars in various research, which is a little more than 1 million dollars per hour. The Toyota company has always been and still is owned by the Toyoda family. The headquarters of the company is located in the city of Toyota, which was renamed in honor of the company by local residents.


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