During 2024, 54 journalists were killed in the world
In 2024, 54 journalists around the world died while performing their professional duties. In addition, the number of detentions and arrests of media persons has increased significantly, it is said in the report of the international organization “Reporters without Borders” (RSF).
According to the document, 31 of the 54 killed journalists died in conflict zones. In particular, the number of deaths of journalists covering events in regions such as Iraq, Sudan, Myanmar, Ukraine and the Gaza Strip reached a five-year high, accounting for 57.4% of the total.
The Gaza Strip stands out as the most dangerous region for journalists in the last five years. In 2024, this region accounted for almost 30% of the dead journalists in the world. RSF calls for urgent measures to strengthen the protection of journalists and press freedom.
RSF Director General Thibaut Brutten emphasized that journalists are not just killed, but purposefully destroyed because of their activities. He called on the international community to take active action to protect those who inform the public about the course of events.
“They are not in prison, they are being imprisoned by regimes; they are not disappearing, they are being kidnapped. These crimes – often organized by governments and armed groups with total impunity – violate international law and very often go unpunished. We must move the case forward point, to remind ourselves as citizens that journalists are dying to keep us informed. We must continue to count, name names, condemn, investigate, and bring justice. Fatalism must never win. To protect those who inform us is to protect the truth.” Thibaut Brutten noted.
In 2024, a 7.2% increase in the number of detained journalists was also recorded. This is mostly due to arrests in Russia (+8 cases) and Israel (+17 cases). RSF calls for increased international pressure to protect the rights of journalists worldwide.