From hemodialysis to full life: unique organ transplants in the Zhytomyr hospital

The KNP “Regional Clinical Hospital named after O. F. Gerbachevsky” of the Zhytomyr Regional Council is full of work. Here, in the department of cardiac surgery and transplantation of organs and tissues, people are saved, giving them a new chance for a happy and fulfilling life.
The journalist of IA “FACT” Yuliya Khomenko spoke with the head of the department of cardiac surgery and transplantation of human organs and tissues Anatoly Matviychuk.
Please tell us about the work of your department.
Since 2014, the department of cardiac surgery has been operating at our hospital base, where the entire range of surgical interventions on the heart and blood vessels is performed. In connection with the development of the transplant service in the region, two years ago we repurposed the department of cardiac surgery and transplantation of organs and tissues. During this time, 20 transplant operations were performed, including 17 kidney transplants from family donors and 3 transplants from a posthumous donor. Last year, in the spring, for the first time in our region, 3 transplants were performed simultaneously from a posthumous donor. Operative interventions were performed in four operating rooms – the collection of organs from a posthumous donor for organ transplantation, and a heart, liver, and kidney transplant were performed at the same time.

Then – difficult and responsible hours in the operating rooms… Four operating teams worked during these operations. About 40 medical personnel were involved. One is from taking organs for transplantation. The second team – from the Kyiv Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, led by its director, the famous cardiac surgeon Boris Todurov, performed heart transplantation. The third performed a liver transplant under the supervision of Dmytro Kharkov, a transplant surgeon from the capital’s Feofania, and the fourth performed a kidney transplant under my supervision. All operations were performed successfully and the patients were discharged home in satisfactory condition. For people who received new healthy organs, this means a new quality of life. In particular, a man who lived on hemodialysis for 15 years received a kidney. All of them are still young people, and they have a high-quality and happy life ahead of them. Currently, these people feel very well, they are observed by us periodically, but they live a full life. Also, patients feel good after family kidney transplants, thanks to relatives who agreed to donate their kidney for their relatives.

Were there any cases that particularly impressed you?
Each operation is unique, so it is difficult to single out anyone. This is a very big responsibility for people. If a kidney transplant takes place, it is necessary to qualitatively examine the donor and the patient who needs a transplant. Today, a patient with severe flu came to us for consultation. After contracting a viral disease, his heart cannot function normally for the moment, he is short of breath and can barely walk. We are currently treating him, preparing him and putting him on the waiting list for a heart transplant.

Have you been approached by military personnel who needed an organ transplant?
Help is given to everyone who needs it, including military personnel. There is a state system in which the data of all patients who need transplantation in Ukraine are entered, and according to the distribution of this electronic system, trasological assistance is provided to people.

How many people currently need transplants?
We have a register of patients who are undergoing examination with us, all of them are entered in the EDIST. Of these, 60 patients need a kidney transplant, 11 a liver transplant, and 5 a heart transplant. According to statistics, 200 to 250 people need kidney transplants in our region every year.

We have a team of highly qualified specialists who are constantly improving their knowledge and skills. We use the most modern treatment methods and equipment. In addition, we closely cooperate with other medical institutions in Ukraine and abroad, which gives us the opportunity to share experience and receive support and acquisition of practical knowledge. Unfortunately, the need for such operations is much higher than our capabilities. In the Zhytomyr region, 200 people are on planned hemodialysis, and 15 are on perinatal hemodialysis.
What problems do you face in your work?
One of the main problems is the lack of donor organs. In the world, 70% of transplants are performed using the organs of posthumous donors, in Ukraine this figure is much lower. We need to more actively implement the system of posthumous donation, as well as informing community residents about family kidney and liver transplantation.
Do you have questions that need to be resolved in order to improve your work?
We need to complete the renovation of the 2nd operating theater for kidney, heart and liver transplants. The state of the National Center for Transplantation pays for this transplant service 100% for the hospital. We need medical equipment to perform highly specialized operations. The main thing is systematic work, from the organization of logistics, from the supply of medical products to the post-transplantation monitoring of patients. We have the support of our local government and administration, but we hope for even more support in the development of the transplant service in the region. In our region, there are 20 district hospitals in which, unfortunately, people die. After the declaration of brain death and the consent of their relatives, they can be potential donors to save other people. In December 2023 alone, we performed 5 family kidney transplants.

What are your future plans?
We plan to actively work on the implementation of the system of postmortem donation and raising the awareness of the population and the medical community about the possibility of providing transitological assistance to the population.
Can you give advice to people who need organ transplants?
Don’t lose hope! Transplantation is a chance for a new life. Contact our office, we will do our best to help you. Bless you!