Golden Age or Global Coup: How the World Media Reacts to Trump’s Return to Power

The return of Donald Trump to the presidential chair caused a flurry of reactions in the world media. His inaugural address, full of promises about a new “golden age” of America, and the swift passage of 78 executive orders that overturned the previous administration’s decisions divided the international community. The withdrawal of the US from key international agreements, such as the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization, has become a clear signal of a new policy course that has global consequences. The world media is already actively analyzing how geopolitics, economy and cooperation between states will change under the conditions of “Trump 2.0”.
L’Humanité – France. Trump is guided by the principle of “divide and rule”, – notes the Parisian L’Humanité:
“It all starts with a split in American society, when the rich are bullied against the poor, whites against minorities, men against women. Waving the sword of the most powerful economic state on the planet, he intends to split the whole world as well – that is why it is about revising tariffs, free trade agreements trade and bilateral partnerships, the US dollar will become even more the arbiter of financial capitalism, according to the report of the NGO Oxfam The wealth of this world’s billionaires has increased by another two trillion dollars. One of these billionaires is Trump. This alpha male from the United States, obsessed with business and profit, intends to strengthen the monopoly of private companies before which the states look helpless.”
The Times – Great Britain. It is not even what Trump will do, but what he will not do that is more important – former US Secretary of State William Hague notes on the pages of The Times of London:
“The Trump administration won’t impose limits on oil and gas production, cooperate with the WHO, regulate cryptocurrencies, care about AI security, and curb the rapid growth of America’s debt as it reintroduces massive tax cuts. In however, by doing nothing, this administration will make the future less sustainable.Our focus will be on that on daily worries and anxieties, but much more weight will be gained, which will gradually accumulate. The problem is not in the decision to ride the roller coaster, but in the fact that, having accelerated well, you can rush into the unknown – and never return.”
Political Criticism – Польща. The US is making a 180-degree turn in its economic policy, the Polish portal Krytyka Polityczna shares its observation:
“First, the Americans formed the modern world economic order, and now they complain that due to a number of aspects of this architecture they themselves suffer from it, and without the slightest doubt that other countries do. Just the height of hypocrisy! Of course, from the American point of view, the modern world order has certain cons One of them is the loss of jobs in industry, but it was the United States that at one time insisted on the liberalization of world trade, which provided its companies with the opportunity to expand – and at the same time blocked companies from developing countries from any opportunity to grow at a natural pace.”
Neue Zürcher Zeitung – Switzerland. In his article for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, literary critic Manfred Schneider reassures readers:
“Let the walls that Trump intends to build around the USA grow to the sky, let the tariffs and border barricades fly to the stream – the country will still not be able to fall out of either world trade or the global migration movement. It is impossible to return to the past for a long time, as well how to give up for a long time the level of education that has already been achieved. Knowledge cannot be thrown out of one’s head! Not only the network, but also the human mind can just forget.”
Visão – Portugal. The European Union’s response to Donald Trump should have four components, political scientist Aderitu Vicente thinks in his article for the Lisbon weekly Visão:
“Europe must strengthen its strategic autonomy – no matter how difficult this goal may seem now. The European Union needs to accelerate the development of its own independent defense capabilities and reduce its technological dependence on the United States. … As America increasingly focuses on itself, it is important for the European Union to strengthen trade relations with other regions of the world. …The EU is obliged to maintain a dialogue with the American government, while not jeopardizing its own values. … And the main challenge for the community – against the background of pressure from the outside – there will be support for internal cohesion.” – Spain. The portal speculates about what Trump and Musk intend to do as comrades:
“During Trump’s presidency, the ecology of communication will change, and to a very large extent. … The infodemic, an irresistible avalanche of information overflowing with fakes – this is what is the distinguishing feature of techno-feudalism. … The implementation of measures accompanying the digital transformation of such concerns requires psychological and the social isolation of social actors ‘invisible yoke’ to accumulate wealth as well as shape perceptions of reality. … We need to do more than just respond to innocent tweets like this.”
Aftonbladet – Sweden. Stockholm’s Aftonbladet hopes that Europe will take a hard line on the tech giants:
“The US is putting pressure on TikTok for legitimate reasons. According to the letter of the law, Chinese firms and concerns are obliged to cooperate with their country’s special services. … In addition, the regime can control what content is available to users. It is easy to imagine how such an authority can be abused – to influence public opinion or election campaigns and information flows in times of crisis.The West has no right to give control over its information structure for ransom China. This approach is a security risk. That’s why Sweden and the European Union are also obliged to ensure that the technological giants follow clearly established rules.”
L’Opinion – France. Europe is suffering a fiasco – both technologically and politically, – complains the Parisian L’Opinion:
“Technologically dependent Europe has proved unable to offer a different model (the next such stress test is already being prepared in the field of artificial intelligence). But things are even worse: to the new imperialists who intend to remove our ‘legal obstacles’, Europe looks incapable of guaranteeing a proper job Such double impotence discredits it – and only feeds the mill of chaos engineers they are clearly fueled in their destructive intentions by Elon Musk’s Platform X. But they are also – and above all – fueled by our own governments, which are unable to stop the impoverishment of the lower classes – this XXL source of anger and rage “.
hvg – Hungary. The Budapest weekly hvg expresses concern:
“It could set a dangerous precedent — not just in the United States, but around the world. While the legislation that has sparked all of this concern is specific to TikTok, it’s easy to imagine that the same measures could be applied to any app that from which, according to the current US president, “a danger to national security emanates”. the precedent can serve as an impetus for some autocrats in semi-democratic countries, who will then even be able to point a finger at the West – they say they started first!”.