On this day

January 5: holidays and events on this day

On January 5, Ukraine celebrates Epiphany, the world celebrates International Unloading Day, Dialogue Day, and the Golden Globe Award ceremony is held.

Christening Christmas Eve

Epiphany Eve, or Epiphany Eve, is an important event for Orthodox Christians and is celebrated every year on January 5. This is the name given to the evening before Epiphany, the Christian holiday of the Epiphany and Baptism of Christ, which are celebrated together on January 6. This holiday is deeply rooted in traditions and spiritual life, symbolizing the preparation for the Baptism of the Lord, or Jordan, which is celebrated the next day.

Previously, the Epiphany was part of an ancient tradition, when Christians prepared for the Epiphany through fasting, prayer and the consecration of water. In the first centuries of Christianity, Baptism was celebrated together with the Nativity of Christ as a single event that symbolized the appearance of God in the world. Only from the 4th century, after the introduction of a separate celebration of Christmas, Epiphany acquired an independent meaning, and the Epiphany became a separate day before this holiday.

With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, the dates of church holidays were shifted according to the Julian calendar. Because of this, believers who follow the Julian calendar (the so-called “old style”) continue to celebrate Epiphany on January 5, but according to the new style, this date falls on January 18. The tradition of following the old style has been preserved in many Orthodox communities, in particular in Ukraine.

The main tradition of this day is a strict fast, during which believers abstain from food until the consecration of water or until the appearance of the first star. In the evening, families gather for a festive dinner, which consists of lean dishes. Kutya is a must – a symbol of prosperity, life and blessing. This dinner is similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas, but the emphasis shifts to spiritual cleansing and preparation for the consecration of water the next day.

Another important tradition is the consecration of water in temples. Water consecrated on this day is considered a great shrine that can heal diseases, protect the home from evil and bring blessings.

Interesting facts

The consecrated water, called “ahiasma” (holy water), has a special meaning in the Orthodox tradition. It is used to bless homes, heal the sick, and even to drink at important moments in life.

On Khreschensky Christmas Eve, kutya is prepared especially carefully, adding honey, poppy seeds, nuts and dried fruits. It symbolizes family unity and hope for blessings.

In many communities, there is a tradition of inviting a priest to consecrate the home with holy water.

Although it is more related to the Epiphany itself, many people immerse themselves in the icy water the day before, believing that it strengthens the body and spirit.

International Unloading Day

On January 5, fans of a healthy lifestyle celebrate the International Unloading Day — an ideal time for physical and mental cleansing. This is a special day when people consciously limit their food intake to give the body a rest after festive feasts. This day helps to get rid of the feeling of heaviness, improve metabolism and prepare the body for a new rhythm of life.

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The unloading day is often associated with light diets: vegetables, fruits, kefir or just water and herbal teas. It is not only about the health of the body, but also about willpower and tuning into conscious eating. It becomes a kind of ritual for those who want to start the year with a fresh look at their habits.

Interesting facts 

The concept of unloading days has deep roots. It has been part of the culture of many peoples, from the ancient Greeks to Ayurvedic medicine.

The date of January 5 was chosen precisely because it is the period after the New Year holidays, when the body is often overloaded.

Nutritionists claim that the best “detox” is not special programs, but simply following a light diet of natural products.

The practice of unloading days helps not only physically, but also psychologically — to review your habits and adjust to a healthier lifestyle.

Today, deloading days are part of popular “wellness” movements that emphasize harmony between body and mind.

Day of dialogue

Dialogue Day is a symbol of the importance of communication in a world where every opinion deserves to be heard and every conflict can be resolved through discussion. This holiday reminds us of the power of words, mutual respect and the desire for the common good.

At the heart of this day is the idea that any differences – cultural, political or social – can be overcome through open and honest conversation. Dialogue Day encourages cooperation aimed at creating a harmonious society where the interests of all parties are taken into account.

Interesting facts 

The Day of Dialogue took its inspiration from the traditions of diplomacy, when negotiations became the key to avoiding conflicts.

This day is recognized in many countries as a way to draw attention to the importance of peaceful settlement of disputes.

Today’s platforms for the exchange of ideas, such as social networks, facilitate global dialogue, but also pose new challenges to its quality.

On Dialogue Day, round tables, forums, debates and educational programs aimed at developing constructive communication skills are often organized.

Active engagement in dialogue helps not only to solve problems, but also to strengthen trust between communities, nations and people.

Golden Globe Award

The Golden Globe Awards is one of the most prestigious awards in the world of entertainment, which annually honors outstanding achievements in the field of film and television. The awards ceremony, organized by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, has become an important event in the cultural calendar and a symbol of international recognition for the best actors, directors, producers and screenwriters.

Known for its unique atmosphere, the award combines luxury and professionalism, gathering the elite of the global entertainment industry on one platform. It not only determines the best works of the year, but also sets the tone for future film events such as the Oscars.

Interesting facts 

The first “Golden Globe” was presented in 1944, and the awards themselves then had a much more modest appearance than the modern ceremony.

The award was founded by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which unites journalists from around the world working in the United States.

Unlike the Oscars, the Golden Globe awards both films and television projects, which makes it particularly universal.

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The “Golden Globe” statuette is not just an award, but a real symbol of recognition that every industry figure dreams of receiving.

Often, winners of the “Golden Globe” become favorites for other prestigious awards, such as “Oscar” or “Emmy”.

Historical events on this day

1585 — the foundation of the Lviv Stavropygian brotherhood. This organization became an important center of the spiritual and cultural life of Western Ukraine, actively promoting the spread of education, printing and Orthodoxy.

1769 – James Watt patented a separate condensing chamber for a steam engine. This technical innovation became revolutionary in the industry, laying the foundation for the further development of the industrial revolution.

1870 — strike of Lviv printers. This first labor strike in Western Ukraine became a symbol of the struggle for workers’ rights in the region and an important stage in the development of the labor movement.

1875 — the opening of the Paris theater “Opera Garnier”. This architectural gem became a symbol of the artistic flourishing of France and the place where the musical history of Europe was created.

1895 — discovery of X-rays. German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen made a discovery that revolutionized medicine and science, giving humanity a new way of diagnosis.

1918 — issue of the first Ukrainian banknotes of the UNR. Money signs, which had inscriptions in Ukrainian, Polish and Yiddish, became a symbol of the financial independence of the young state.

1918 — the dissolution of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks. This event became one of the key events in the establishment of a totalitarian regime in Russia.

1919 — the foundation of the German Workers’ Party. A year later, it turned into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which became the basis for the formation of the ideology of Nazism.

1933 — the beginning of the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. This architectural masterpiece has become one of the most famous symbols of the United States, combining engineering excellence and artistic sophistication.

1964 — the first visit of Pope Paul VI to Israel in the history of the papacy. This event became a landmark in interreligious relations, because the pope sought to establish a dialogue between Christianity, Judaism and Islam, emphasizing the importance of peace and mutual understanding in the world.

1968 — the beginning of the “Prague Spring”. The coming to power of Alexander Dubcek in Czechoslovakia opened a new stage of democratization, although it was suppressed a few months later by Soviet troops.

1977 — the arrest of the leaders of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union. Mykola Rudenko and Oleksa Tyhiy were arrested for human rights activities, becoming symbols of the struggle for freedom and human rights in Ukraine.

1997 — Russia announced the withdrawal of troops from Chechnya. This event was an important step in the settlement of the Chechen conflict, although it did not bring long-term peace to the region.

2011 — the number of Internet users in the world reached 2 billion. This was evidence of the rapid development of information technologies and the transformation of people’s lifestyles on a global scale.

2019 — signing of the tomos on the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul officially recognized the independence of the Ukrainian Church, which became a historic event for Ukrainian Orthodoxy.


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