On this day

May 2: holidays and events on this day

If you have children and have long been planning to take them to the library or start a tradition of reading before bed, today is a good opportunity to do so, because May 2 is International Children’s Book Day. In addition, there is something to note for fans of cosmonautics – on this day, the first artificial satellite was launched into the orbit of the moon. On May 2, Ukrainian cynologists celebrate a professional holiday.

Holidays and commemorative dates:

International Children’s Book Day – has been celebrated since 1967 on the initiative of the International Children’s Book Council on the birthday of the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. The purpose of the holiday is to emphasize the important role in shaping the spiritual and intellectual face of new generations.

Day of the cynologist of Ukraine – On April 2, 1994, the Canine Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was established.

World Autism Awareness Day – in 2007, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned, the UN representative from Qatar, proposed dedicating a separate date to highlight this problem. The initiative was supported by all member states of the organization.

Events on this day:

1151 — Igor Svyatoslavich, Prince of Novgorod-Siversk and Prince of Chernihiv was born (1198). Son of Prince Svyatoslav of Chernihiv and great-great-grandson of Yaroslav the Wise.

1527 — the birthday of Abraham Ortelius, Flemish cartographer, publisher of the first atlas.

1618 Francesco Maria Grimaldi, an Italian physicist and astronomer who made the first map of the Moon, was born.

1725 — the birthday of the adventurer and writer Giacomo Casanova.

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1800 — On May 2, the premiere of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 took place at the Burgtheater in Vienna.

1805 Hans Christian Andersen, Danish writer, poet and storyteller, was born.

1817 — born Yakiv Dyachenko, military officer of the Russian Empire of Ukrainian origin, founder of the city of Khabarovsk.

1840 — the birthday of the French writer Emile Zola.

1848 — the first official Ukrainian political organization, the Main Russian Council, was created in Lviv. It is believed that the initiator of the creation of the body of national self-government was the governor of Galicia, Franz Stadion von Warthausen, who is also known for having abolished serfdom in Galicia. The political organization of Galician Ruthenians officially declared Galician Ukrainians part of the Ukrainian nation for the first time.

1905 — opened the Simplon tunnel (20 km) under the Alps, which connected Switzerland and Italy.

1966 — a Soviet satellite flew around the moon for the first time in the world.

1989 — The Central Committee of the Palestinian National Council elected Yasser Arafat as the President of the self-proclaimed Palestinian state.


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