ChildrenTrends in psychology

Mirroring parents: how children choose their model of behavior

The question of the formation of prejudiced attitudes of children towards their peers, taking into account appearance, clothes or circumstances, inevitably arises before every parent. The attitude they show to the differences and peculiarities of other people largely determines what values ​​parents invest in their children.

Let’s figure out how prejudice is formed in children and how important it is to discuss issues of tolerance and respect with them.

Raising children is a complex and responsible process, during which parents and close friends play a key role in shaping the child’s personality. Even from the youngest age, children absorb the world through interaction with the environment and learn principles of behavior, values ​​and attitudes towards others.

What a person will become tomorrow depends on the upbringing he received in childhood. At a young age, people tend to imitate and imitate the actions of adults, primarily their parents, because they are the primary teachers in a child’s life.

The reactions that parents show in everyday life also make a strong impression on children. If they tend to draw conclusions about people based on their appearance, evaluate them for material achievements or social status, children imperceptibly absorb the same prejudices. For example, when a child’s decision to talk to someone or be friends depends on the style of clothing or shoes of another child, this is already a signal that he is absorbing the image of the parents’ world, because they are already used to giving priority to these things in communication with the environment.

There is an alarming trend in the world – children already in kindergarten face insults from their peers regarding clothes and appearance. This phenomenon, although not entirely new, is becoming more and more common and causes serious concerns among parents and teachers.

Mirroring parents: how children choose their model of behavior

Positive methods of upbringing perfectly help teach children to discipline and develop moral values, which is the dream of every attentive parent. But how to do it correctly?

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With this question, the journalists of IA “FAKT” turned to psychologist Anna Bezhenska, who gave the following advice:

“In my opinion, the main thing in raising children is how and what exactly you communicate with your child. In this matter, it is important to follow certain recommendations:

Create a friendly atmosphere in the family: maintain an open dialogue with children, where they feel that they can express their thoughts and ask questions without fear of being judged. Trust is very important.

Model your own behavior: be an example of tolerance in the family and society.

Use examples: Discuss specific situations where tolerance and respect for diversity play an important role. This will help children better understand what actions and words are normal towards other people.

Support your child when it’s wrong: If they make a mistake or show intolerant behavior, explain why it’s wrong and how you can do things differently to show kindness.

Encourage these positive behaviors: praise and encourage children for their tolerant actions and expressions, emphasizing the importance of respecting differences and supporting each other.”

It is interesting that a person’s place of origin, environment, country where he was born and raised also significantly affects his character.

Interesting facts about the differences in raising children in different countries:

  1. In Great Britain, it is forbidden to make remarks about other people’s children.
  2. In China, you can go to kindergarten from the age of two months. Maternity leave practically does not exist in this country.
  3. In the United States, the most popular method of punishment is the “time-out” technique, in which the child is offered to stand aside for a while and think about his behavior.
  4. Every second child attending junior high school in Germany has their own personal mobile phone. But children are strictly prohibited from watching TV for a long time in this country.
  5. In the Seychelles, the entire month of child protection is celebrated. During the celebrations, children are given gifts, various children’s activities are organized and funny entertainment is organized.
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