Ordinary things that can affect the psyche
Some ordinary things or phenomena that we encounter in life can cause a person to develop a mental disorder, or at least lead to it.
Many believe that madness is inherited – a Pandora’s Box with madness inside just waiting to be opened. Others believe that it can happen to anyone, but only after a serious injury.
Big sales can lead to anxiety. Heard stories of people going crazy during sales and trampling someone or even spraying someone in the face with pepper spray? It turns out that this is caused by a psychological factor. Scientists conducted a survey of people who participated in the big sale and found that some of them showed symptoms of insanity.
Survey participants claimed that they had a sense of anxiety, they did not consider the interests of other buyers, and the sale was like a dream. For some, this is good news: if someone suddenly puts a microwave on someone’s head just to buy the latest TV at a deep discount, a temporary attack of insanity can be cited in court.
Living where the winter nights are very long.
Long winter nights can cause depression. Do you live in an area where the nights are too long in the winter? Consider a trip to a sunny beach, as the lack of sunlight can affect your mood so much that it can lead to depression.
Such a phenomenon is called winter depression, and it can greatly complicate a person’s life, especially if he lives in the north, where polar nights occur.
Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate symptoms: for example, you can buy light bulbs that emit light similar to sunlight.
Living alone.
Living alone can cause depression and strange behavior. According to the results of a study conducted on a sample of 3,500 people, scientists from Finland found that people who live alone are more likely to take antidepressants than people who live with someone. Scientists have not forgotten to mention that there are many factors that lead to depression, and living alone is only one of them.
In addition to depression, some lonely people report having strange habits: talking to themselves in French while cooking breakfast, jogging while watching TV, and drinking wine in the shower at 8 a.m.
Contact with cats.
Feline parasites can cause unusual behavior. Pregnant women are not allowed to go near cat litter boxes, but most people do not know the reason for this prohibition. It turns out that “crazy cat owners” is not only about their excessive love for animals.
Cats are carriers and breeding grounds for a parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii. When the parasite leaves the cat’s body, its only purpose is to enter another cat, usually via rats or mice. The parasite then affects the rat or mouse in which it resides in such a way as to make them more wary and slow down their reaction rate – thus increasing the rat or mouse’s chance of being eaten by a cat, and the cycle repeats itself.
Scientists believe that the effect of human infection with the parasite may be similar to how the parasite affects rats. So, if you have a cat at home and you often run across the road right in front of cars, don’t worry, maybe this little parasite is playing with you.
Bed bugs.
Bed bugs can cause symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety. Scientists have studied how bed bugs affect children and have found nothing good. Bed bugs can have a strong effect on some people, and even normal people can develop mental health problems.
According to the study, one of the subjects was so disturbed by the thought of bed bugs that he began to hallucinate. Despite the fact that he had never had any mental problems, the patient believed that there were many bugs living in his bed and that the only way out was daily cleaning with chlorine.
Studies show that those who have bed bugs in their home can suffer from nightmares, insomnia and excessive anxiety. These symptoms can appear even from reading about similar cases. Does anyone now have an unpleasant feeling?
Birth of a child.
Having a baby can lead to postpartum depression. The birth of a child is a happy event for the family, full of joy and hope, if the mother does not develop depression and decides to kill herself and the child.
Postpartum depression – suicidal and homicidal thoughts are rare, but can last for months. Symptoms of the disease make it difficult to take care of the child, and even perform everyday tasks.
This is an amazing disease. What can be depressing in the fact that you have a little ball of happiness in your family who cries all night and cannot calm down, no matter how much you persuade him?
Passive smoking.
Passive smoking can double the chance of developing a mental illness. Non-smokers often complain that they have to smell and inhale smoke emitted by smokers. The harm of passive smoking is still being studied, but psychiatrists are studying other risks.
As a result of the study, they found that passive smoking increases the chance of mental illness by 50%. For smokers, the risk of ending up in a mental hospital is four times greater.
The bad news is that if you smoke, you can go crazy. Good news – you have a new tactic for the court, because declaring yourself crazy can save you more than once.
Brain injury.
A concussion can cause long-term psychological problems. A concussion can cause mental health problems long after the brain has physically healed. Research shows that 48.3% of concussions end with some kind of mental health problem.
It is also known that people who have suffered a concussion can laugh one moment, cry the next, and generally have severe mood swings. Those who like to claim that they are crazy can make it a reality by beating themselves over the head with a frying pan. However, those who do it are not completely normal at first.
Car accident.
A car accident can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. When people hear about PTS, war veterans come to mind. However, it turns out that even something as simple as an accident can cause long-term PTS.
The cause of PTSD is a “rupture” of our “safety bubbles”, from which a person feels shock and disorientation. If the car accident is serious enough, people who survived it can get PTS.
Depending on the person’s ability to respond adequately to the world around them, PTSD can occur even if the person saw their uncle dress up as a clown, get drunk, and break some of their toys. This, by the way, can also be an explanation for the irrational fear of clowns.
Excessive praise in childhood.
Excessive praise of a child can cause serious character problems. Many parents teach their children that they do not make any mistakes, they are always winners, and everything they touch turns to gold. Research shows that praising a child for the smallest achievement can cause serious problems in a person’s character.
So, if you know someone who constantly encourages their child – tell him (or, more likely, her) that as a result, the child may grow up to be a person who only heard about friends on TV.