Over 10 years, 267.6 thousand trademark applications have been filed in Ukraine
Over the past 10 years, 267,600 applications for trademark registration were submitted in Ukraine. Most often, people want to patent their business, advertising, medical products, and educational projects. The confectionery corporation Roshen, which submitted the largest number of applications for registration, stands out.
About this informs platform for working with open data Opendatabot, referring to information from the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation (UKRNOIVI).
According to the data, from 2015 to 2019, the number of submitted applications increased annually. The highest figure was in 2019, when 33,745 applications were submitted. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of applications decreased by 17% to 27,883 in 2020.
For the second time, trademark applications plummeted at the start of full-scale war to 16,162, the lowest figure in years. However, already in 2023, the number of applications for trademark registration has increased to 25,000, and in the first 9 months of 2024, 18,008 applications have already been submitted.
In 2024, 37.4% of all applications were for trademarks related to advertising and business activities. Educational and entertainment services (13.9%) and pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary drugs and herbicides (11.1%) were also among the top three most popular categories.
Among the leaders in terms of the number of submitted applications for registration for the entire period was Roshen Corporation, which submitted 1,396 applications. Among the active applicants, the companies “Obolon” – with 1043 applications and Rozetka.Ua – with 886 applications stand out. In 2024, the largest number of applications for trademark registration were submitted by such companies as GGBET — 76 applications, “Obolon” — 72 applications, and “Pharmis LTD” — 71 applications.