Residents of Slovakia collected almost €2 million for ammunition for Ukraine

Slovaks showed their support for Ukraine by raising a significant amount of money for the purchase of ammunition, despite the official position of the government.
According to information Reuters, the fund-raising initiative called “Ammunition for Ukraine” has already collected €1.94 million in four days. As of April 20, more than 30,000 people have joined it, and the average donation was €64.
The organizers of the campaign emphasize that it aims to demonstrate the disagreement of the majority of Slovaks with the change in the foreign policy course of the government, which distances itself from the provision of direct military aid to Ukraine.
“Many people in Slovakia are ashamed of the pro-Russian orientation of our government, which is why they are contributing.”, – notes Zuzana Izhakova, one of the organizers of the action.
It is worth noting that the previous governments of Slovakia have already supplied Ukraine with air defense equipment and fighter jets.
The collection of funds within the framework of the “Ammunition for Ukraine” campaign will continue indefinitely, and the collected funds will be transferred to the Czech government, which initiated a large-scale program for the purchase of ammunition for the Ukrainian army.