Point of view

Romania and Bulgaria in Schengen: how the world media react to the historic decision

After a long wait and many years of efforts, Romania and Bulgaria got the long-awaited access to the Schengen area. From the new year, these countries will become full members of this prestigious space of free movement, which covers most of the countries of the European Union. The decision on their entry was made after Austria withdrew its previous objections and EU interior ministers made a unanimous decision.

This step marks a new era for the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria, who will now be able to travel freely not only by air, as was the case before, but also by other means of transport, without border controls. However, at the same time, this important political and social breakthrough caused a wide discussion among international experts and mass media. Some consider it a historic victory that strengthens the unity of Europe, while others express doubts about the extent to which this step corresponds to modern challenges and needs.

In this context, the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen zone becomes not only a local event, but also an important signal for the whole of Europe, which emphasizes the role of integration in strengthening cooperation between states. How the world community perceives this event and what are the predictions regarding its consequences is considered in the evaluations of foreign media.

Kleine Zeitung – Austria. Vienna’s Kleine Zeitung welcomes what happened:

“The fact that Romania and Bulgaria will become a full-fledged part of the Schengen area in the new year is an important step not only for the citizens of these countries, who will now be able to move around the EU territory much easier.

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The admission of these countries to Schengen further binds them to the European Union, which is an important signal due to the growing desire of Russia and China to expand their influence here. A clear example can be the recent presidential elections in Romania, the result of which, despite everything, Russia tried to influence – and which in the end had to be annulled.”

Club Z – Bulgaria. The lifting of restrictions also has a negative side, – notes the Bulgarian portal Club Z:

“The main idea of ​​our membership in European structures was not so much receiving funds from EU funds or freedom of movement, as the very idea that the EU would help us become a real European state.

Schengen is one of the last instruments with which the EU can influence us in this direction, since Bulgaria is still not a real European state. It continues to dangle between a glossy European facade and an impartial Eurasian interior.”

Sega – Bulgaria. It is not worth waiting for the complete opening of the borders right away – the Bulgarian portal Sega believes:

“From what is known at the moment, the only thing that can be said for sure is that the regime for crossing the border with Greece will be significantly eased – there and, accordingly, from there. And this is quite a lot considering the fact that annually the Bulgarians carry out about two million trips to Greece.

… But on the border with another country of the European Union, namely Romania, the matter is completely different. From what became known after the negotiations… it is clear that there should be at least a six-month period during which border control will be maintained. Apparently, the Austrians don’t mind getting a second sieve after the Bulgarian-Turkish border, although they don’t talk about it openly.”

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Salzburger Nachrichten – Austria. Salzburger Nachrichten questions what remains of Schengen:

“The Minister of the Interior of Austria, Gerhard Karner, for almost two years called the Schengen area “inoperative” and even “dead”. And he said this every time he had to justify why Austria blocks the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into Schengen. Although these countries have long satisfied necessary criteria.

… Enlargement has not been a resurrection from the dead for the Schengen area – if we follow Minister Karner’s metaphor. A number of member states, as before, control the internal borders of the EU. And there is also no readiness to fairly distribute the burden in the matter of providing asylum and conducting migration policy. And the protection of external borders still does not work as it should.”

444 – Hungary. According to the portal 444.hu, it is not clear what Schengen will look like in the future:

“Another issue is which Schengen system Romania is currently joining. Due to the migration crisis, more and more countries are introducing border controls. Germany made such a decision in the fall – taking into account cases of crime by migrants and the rise of the far-right, Norway – due to the danger of terrorist attacks, the Netherlands – due to the scale of illegal migration , which have grown

… No one can predict what the Schengen area will look like until Romania and Bulgaria become its members.”


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