To the attention of Ukrainian motorists: new rules and tougher penalties for traffic violations are being introduced in Poland

After the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, many Ukrainians found refuge in Poland, and among them a significant number continue to use their own cars on Polish roads. At the same time, the Polish government announced comprehensive changes to the Traffic Rules and the Criminal Code aimed at improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents. These innovations, which include a significant increase in liability for drivers, will affect everyone who uses Polish roads, so it will be important for Ukrainian drivers temporarily or permanently living in Poland to be aware of these new requirements.
The reform of the Road Traffic Rules covers a wide range of innovations: from lowering the age for obtaining a driver’s license to strict sanctions for driving under the influence of alcohol and participating in dangerous car races. Below we will consider the main points of this reform and what awaits drivers in Poland in the near future.
Lifetime suspension of driver’s license for gross violations
One of the most important innovations will be the possibility of lifetime suspension of driver’s licenses for those who drive a vehicle, despite the fact that the court has previously prohibited them from doing so. Polish Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar noted that such a measure should be a tough response to numerous gross violations that threaten road safety. The authorities expect that such severe penalties will force drivers to be more responsible in complying with traffic rules and court decisions.
Lowering the age for obtaining a driver’s license
The Polish government plans to allow category B driver’s licenses from the age of 17, but with certain conditions. First of all, for this minor drivers will need the written consent of their parents or guardians. Until the age of 18, young drivers will be able to drive a car only accompanied by an adult, more experienced driver. There will also be a strict rule of zero blood alcohol level (0.0 ppm) for young drivers. In addition, reduced speed limits are provided for this category of drivers: 50 km/h in populated areas, 80 km/h outside them and 100 km/h on highways.
Confiscation of a car for driving while intoxicated
Among the innovations, much tougher measures to combat drunk driving are also provided. If the driver has between 0.5 and 1.5 ppm of alcohol in his blood, the court can make a decision to confiscate his vehicle. In cases where the alcohol level exceeds 1.5 ppm, confiscation of the car will be mandatory. The authorities believe that these measures will be an effective deterrent for those who risk getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, as there have already been more than 16,000 accidents on Polish roads this year, a large number of which were caused by drunk drivers.
Tougher penalties for racing and drifting
The new rules also provide for substantial fines and other sanctions for participating in illegal car racing and drifting. In case of violation, the vehicle will be confiscated for 30 days, and the driver will receive a fine of at least PLN 1,500 and a three-month disqualification. In case of repeated violation, the amount of the fine will be doubled. This point is particularly important for the Polish authorities, as road racing, unauthorized racing and drifting are a frequent cause of accidents that endanger not only the participants, but also other drivers and pedestrians.
Changes in the system of penalty points
The Polish authorities also intend to make it more difficult for drivers to reduce the number of penalty points for traffic violations. If earlier this could be done after passing a special course no more than once every six months, now such actions will be impossible for drivers who have committed dangerous offenses that pose a threat to other road users. This includes participating in illegal racing, drifting and other similar activities.
Driving license suspension for serious speeding
Among the most discussed changes is the rule of suspension of driving licenses for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h on single-lane roads with two-way traffic outside populated areas. Previously, this rule was valid only within the boundaries of populated areas, but now it has been extended to country roads, where speeding leads to numerous accidents.
Tougher penalties for road accidents with fatal consequences
The Polish government is also increasing liability for drivers who cause fatal accidents. If the accident occurred due to participation in illegal races or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the drivers will face imprisonment from 1 to 10 years, and the vehicle will be confiscated. This measure is one of the most severe in the new reform and is designed to reduce the number of accidents caused by gross violations of the rules.
Poland is introducing these new measures to improve the road situation and reduce the number of accidents. It is important for Ukrainian drivers who use Polish roads to be aware of these changes. The Polish authorities aim to create the safest possible conditions for all road users, and the new rules are aimed at ensuring safety and orderliness on the roads.