We are in the profession: young journalists about their choice and vocation

Today is Journalist’s Day, a professional holiday of those who chose professional public speaking in order to change the world for the better. “Journalists are the eyes of a society that sleeps and the ears of a society that does not hear,” Lina Kostenko wrote in her greeting to the sharks this year.
Journalists are important! And those who document war crimes keep the annals of war. And those that help people not to get lost in the whirlwind of life, to make the right decision and look forward with confidence. Today, we decided to talk to young journalists – students of the Dnipro Polytechnic, who are mastering this difficult profession, and find out how they see their future profession and themselves in it.
A trait common to all journalists…
- Curiosity
- Interest
- Interest in facts and events around
- Interest
- Creativity, because without it it would not be possible to write different and interesting materials on the same topic

I chose the profession of journalist despite…
- Because I wasn’t quite confident in my own abilities
- Talking about the fact that I do not know how to write works
- A sense of risk and instability
- Fear of public speaking and communication with strangers
- Because she was almost not interested in this profession and was not sure of her choice until the end
- The expectation of my family, who believed that this profession would not provide me with a stable future

The mission of a journalist…
- Not to be indifferent to injustice, to develop society
- To convey the truth to the world
- Tell the truth to other people!
- Cover important topics truthfully and objectively
- Inform people and do it according to standards and respect for our audience
- To bring the truth to the masses
If only journalists inhabited the Earth, it would look like…
- A planet where everyone knows each other
- A planet with a constant information war, because everyone would like to find an exclusive
- A big bright window into the world that can be known
- An incredibly large reporting studio, where every day is a new story waiting to be told
- The editorial office, where there is always rapid movement and everyone is looking for new stories
- A place where people would have invented rockets and met other inhabitants of the universe as soon as possible, otherwise they would not be able to film the news
- Information mosaic. Each city or village could be displayed as a screen, constantly broadcasting news, analysis and reports
My favorite movie featuring journalists
- “The Devil Wears Prada”
- “Guardian dreams”, because it shows how important it is not to stop before the truth
- “Secret Dossier”
- “French Herald”
The journalist’s work is hindered the most…
- Internal contradiction and human nature
- Shyness
- Restrictions and censorship
- Censorship and oppression by the authorities
- People who do not appreciate the work of journalists
- Russia, which poses a danger during the coverage of war crimes on the territory of Ukraine
My favorite topic in journalism is…
- Analytics
- Investigative journalism
- Stories about extraordinary people, their achievements and people who change the world
- Interviews with ordinary people with extraordinary stories
- Culture and investigation
- Revealing the stories of fascinating architectural monuments, stories of people and socially important topics

Today, on a professional holiday, I wish journalists…
Keep yourself in your hands in the most difficult moments of work and life!
Creative inspiration and perseverance!
Always have courage, see more truth and change the world for the better!
Inspiration, professional growth and new interesting topics for work!
Enjoy your work and develop your skills and Ukrainian journalism!
Unlimited inspiration in work, fearlessness in uncovering the truth and a creative approach to every task!
And we join the wishes of novice journalists and wish all our colleagues in the shop good luck and inspiration in a peaceful country!