Ukrainian refugees

Will the new law on basic military training of Ukrainian refugees abroad affect

Ukrainian refugees who ended up abroad because of the war are often faced with the question of how changes in legislation affect their obligations to the state. This especially worries men of conscription age who want to remain in the legal field, but at the same time are afraid of possible restrictions or the need to return to Ukraine.

On January 9, 2025, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 12076 on basic military training (BZVP) in the second reading. This document became an important event not only for Ukrainians who stayed at home, but also for those who are outside the country. The bill provides for important innovations that will determine the format of military service in the future.

The main provisions of the draft law

The law provides for the introduction of basic military training for all men aged 18-25 who are fit for health. It should become mandatory from September 1, 2025 and will replace conscription, which will be abolished. Training will continue:

  • three months during martial law;
  • five months in peacetime.

BZVP will be held in different formats:

  • for students of higher education institutions – directly at their universities or at specialized educational institutions;
  • for citizens who plan to work in local self-government bodies or the prosecutor’s office – in training centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • for all those willing – in specially created training centers.
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Influence on men abroad

One of the key innovations of the law is the possibility of remote military registration for men who are abroad. This means that young people who have turned 18 while staying outside of Ukraine will be able to register without having to return home.

People’s deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko, who actively supported the bill, noted:

“This draft law allows young people who are currently turning 18 abroad to be registered without coming to Ukraine. This is a convenient and safe mechanism that takes into account modern realities

My amendment, which was included in this draft law, protected WOMEN from mobilization!!! Basic military training for WOMEN will ONLY be VOLUNTARY, and after that, military registration will also be VOLUNTARY“.

Therefore, the draft law pays special attention to the issue of military registration and training for women. People’s deputy Yaroslav Zhelezniak clarified that the amendment adopted in the second reading guarantees women full voluntariness:

“Undergoing basic military training for women will only be voluntary. Similarly, enlisting in the military is only voluntary.”

This decision sent an important signal to women who feared coercion. The voluntary nature of such duties allows them to decide for themselves whether they want to participate in the training.

Voting in the Verkhovna Rada

298 deputies voted for the bill. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal was the initiator of the document. Its full title is: “Draft of the law on amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service” regarding the features of the inclusion of citizens of Ukraine in the military registration of conscripts and their medical examination during their basic general military training.”

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This vote was a step towards the introduction of a new model of training citizens to protect the state. The law takes into account both the needs of the country and the realities in which Ukrainians found themselves due to the war. The new law on basic military training introduces significant changes that affect both Ukrainians in Ukraine and those outside of Ukraine. It enables men abroad to remain in the legal field while fulfilling their duty remotely.


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