Why not everyone understands the saying “Stay with your nose” correctly
When hearing the phrase "to be left with a nose", an image may arise of a person whose nose was about to be torn off, but then decided not to bother. However, our olfactory organ has nothing to do with this expression...

When you hear the expression “stay with your nose”, you can imagine a person who wanted to tear off his nose, but then decided to leave it alone. However, our sense of smell has nothing to do with this phrase…
It turns out that the roots of the saying “stay with your nose” are lost in the distant past. In the old days, bribery was quite common. Neither in institutions nor in court could a positive decision be obtained without an offering, a gift. Of course, these gifts were not called the word “bribe”. They were politely called “bringing” or “nose”, from the word “carry”. If the judge or the judge took the “nose”, then you could be sure that the case would be resolved favorably.
In case of refusal, and this could happen if the gift seemed small to the official or an offering from the opposite party had already been accepted, the beggar walked away with his “nose”. In this case, there was no hope for success. Since then, the words “stay with your nose” have come to mean — to suffer defeat, failure, lose, stumble, without achieving anything.