A bright flash was noticed in the sky over Ukraine

On May 1, 2024, an unusual flash was observed in the night sky over several regions of Ukraine. It was so strong that it illuminated everything around. Residents of Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Poltava and Sumy regions witnessed this spectacular event.
A video showing a flash in the sky on the night of May 1 was shared by the Telegram channel “Real Kyiv”.
The flash was bright blue in color and was not accompanied by an explosion. According to preliminary information, it was probably a falling meteorite or another cosmic body.
There is currently no official information on this phenomenon. However, various theories and jokes have already appeared on the Internet. Some of the netizens are joking about the arrival of extraterrestrials, while others express the opinion that it could be a test of a new weapon. However, due to the lack of an explosion, the latter version seems unlikely.
There is also a more thorough explanation: the flash may be connected with the Aquarid meteor shower, which has shifted in time this year and is continuing now. The peak of its activity is expected on May 6.
The meteor shower was generated by Halley’s comet, and its radiant is located in the constellation Aquarius. Therefore, it can be observed in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, mainly in the morning hours. The number of meteors in the stream can reach from 10 to 85 per hour. Traditionally, Aquarius lasts from April 19 to May 28.
It is worth noting that this is not the first such case in Ukraine. Last year, on April 19, a powerful flash was also observed over Kyiv, which was accompanied by a sound similar to thunder. At that time, the causes of the phenomenon were also not immediately established. There were speculations about the fall of a NASA satellite, but this theory was later disproved. Experts were inclined to believe that it could be a meteoroid.