EU and the world

Orbán condemned an associate for refusing to resist Moscow

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán disagreed with his political director, Balazs Orbán, who said the country could have avoided losses if it had not resisted the 1956 Soviet invasion. About this informs Reuters.

Balazs Orban, who is not related to the prime minister, criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, accusing him of irresponsibility for the decision to fight the Russian invasion in February 2022. According to the political director, this led to a protracted conflict, significant losses among the population and loss of territories.

“Looking back to 1956, we probably wouldn’t have done what President Zelensky did 2.5 years ago, because it’s irresponsible, because we see that he brought his country into a defensive war, many lives were lost and territories were lost. “, – said Balaž Orban.

The anti-Soviet uprising in Hungary in 1956 was brutally suppressed by Soviet troops, and its anniversary, October 23, is an important national holiday for Hungarians.

Speaking on national radio, Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized that such historically important issues require careful and clear coverage.

“My political director made an ambiguous statement, which is a mistake. Our political community is based on the ideals of the 1956 revolution, and we grew up on it.” – declared Viktor Orbán, who made national sovereignty the central principle of his rule.

The Prime Minister also assured that Hungary will always protect its interests and independence.


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