Children of war

Starting from 2025, Ukrainian schoolchildren in Poland will be able to take the Ukrainian language final exam as part of the matura

Since the full-scale war in Ukraine, Poland has become a second home for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. Changes in life caused by forced migration have presented new challenges to schoolchildren and their families, especially in the field of education. In addition to being in another country, children face the need to adapt to a different school system, learn a new language and culture. Most of these students still continue their education, but the question of how to maintain a connection with their native language and culture often arises.

With this in mind, Poland has taken an important step towards Ukrainian students. From 2025, the Ukrainian language will become part of the Polish school system of final exams – Matura. For many Ukrainian schoolchildren, this will be an opportunity not only to preserve their cultural identity, but also to create better conditions for further integration into European society, in particular for admission to Polish universities. This step is significant not only for education, but also for the formation of new horizons for the Ukrainian diaspora in Poland.

Ukrainian language at matura: what does it mean

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) reported, that starting in 2025, Ukrainian schoolchildren studying in Poland will be able to take the final exam in the Ukrainian language as part of the matura.

Applicants in Poland enter higher education institutions on the basis of exams called “MATURA” or “Egzamin Maturalny”, in other words – matriculation certificate. Matura is a key final exam in Polish schools and determines the possibility of further studies in higher education institutions. The inclusion of the Ukrainian language in this exam is not only a recognition of the importance of preserving the linguistic and cultural identity of Ukrainian schoolchildren, but also a practical tool for their integration into the Polish education system.

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The Ukrainian language exam will become one of the foreign languages ​​that graduates will be able to choose to take during matriculation. Accordingly, this exam will help students to obtain a matriculation certificate, which is mandatory for admission to Polish universities. A special feature of this exam is that Ukrainian schoolchildren will have additional time to register for this exam, which is an important aspect for families who are just adapting to the Polish education system.

The importance of such a decision for Ukrainian families

The possibility of taking the Ukrainian language during the final exams in Poland has a great impact on Ukrainian families who have found themselves in forced emigration. This decision is part of Poland’s broader policy of supporting Ukrainian refugees and creating comfortable living and study conditions for them. For Ukrainian schoolchildren, this step means not only the opportunity to continue learning their native language, but also increases their chances of obtaining a Polish school leaving certificate. This paves the way for further studies in higher education institutions in Poland, which greatly facilitates their integration into Polish society.

In addition, such support creates prerequisites for preserving the national identity of Ukrainians living abroad. For many families, this initiative is an important step towards preserving culture and language for future generations. After all, the absence of the possibility of formal education in the native language can lead to the loss of cultural heritage, especially for children who live in a foreign country for a long time.

Challenges for the introduction of the Ukrainian language exam

Despite the positive changes, the introduction of the Ukrainian language before matriculation is not without problems. There are certain challenges that can complicate the process of preparing and passing the exam. First of all, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient number of textbooks, teachers and courses to prepare students for this exam. It is also important to take into account that some schoolchildren may not have had a systematic study of the Ukrainian language for a long time due to forced migration and adaptation to the Polish school system.

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Another important aspect is that the Ukrainian language exam will be an innovation in the Polish education system, and therefore the question arises about the level of readiness of schools for such changes. It is necessary to create effective mechanisms to support students during preparation for this exam, especially those who have been studying outside of Ukraine for a long time.

The opportunity to write the Ukrainian language during matura is an important step on the way to preserving Ukrainian cultural identity and promoting integration into Polish society. This decision opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian students in Poland, allowing them not only to obtain a Polish matriculation certificate, but also to continue their studies at Polish universities. However, for the full implementation of this initiative, it is necessary to overcome a number of challenges, in particular, to provide the necessary resources to prepare students for the exam and create favorable conditions for their learning.


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