The Cabinet of Ministers clarified which population groups will be provided with gas masks in the event of a nuclear attack

By Resolution No. 936 dated August 16, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers determined the procedure for providing the population with means of individual respiratory protection in the event of the use of nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction under martial law.
According to this resolution:
- The unemployed population will be provided with gas masks by the regional and Kyiv city state administrations due to the accumulation of means of protection in the regional material reserves. Local self-government bodies will also be responsible for the creation of local material reserves.
- Employees of economic entities belonging to the category of civil protection must be provided with means of protection at the expense of the enterprises’ own funds.
- Employees assigned to territorial formations and specialized civil protection services will be provided with gas masks by regional and district state administrations, KMDA and local self-government bodies at the expense of local budgets.
- Employees who are part of object formations and specialized civil protection services must receive means of protection at the expense of the enterprises’ own funds.
- Employees of central executive bodies and state bodies will be provided with gas masks by the relevant bodies at the expense of the state budget.
- Local self-government bodies will be responsible for providing their employees with means of protection at the expense of local budgets.
In order to organize the timely issuance of protective equipment to the population, central executive bodies, regional and district state administrations, other state bodies and business entities develop issuance plans, create issuance points, and form teams for their work. Protective equipment will be issued free of charge, and issued gas masks are non-refundable.
Special attention is paid to the unemployed population from among persons with disabilities of the I and II groups, pensioners by age, children under 16 years of age, who will be provided with filtering gas masks for protection against combat toxic substances. The norm establishes one gas mask per person with an additional reserve of 2% of the total number of the unemployed population.