The Inheart platform presented a special project dedicated to Ilovaisk
The Inheart memorial platform presented a new special project dedicated to the events in Ilovaisk. The digital memorial was launched in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Ilovai tragedy.
The special project “Ilovaisk: August Rubicon of the War” aims to honor the memory of Ukrainian soldiers who died in the struggle for the independence and integrity of Ukraine. The opening of the project is timed to the tenth anniversary of the tragic events in Ilovaisk, which will be celebrated on August 29, 2024.
“We dedicate this project to the fallen defenders of Ukraine, who gave their lives for its freedom. The memory of a person lives as long as he is remembered. Today, we reproduce the events of the Ilovai operation in order to preserve the memory, perpetuate the names of the heroes and prevent the recurrence of such tragedies.”, — said Oleksandr Sidorov, the initiator of the project, in an interview with Speka.
The project “Ilovaisk: the August Rubicon of the War” is a detailed longread covering the events in Ilovaisk that took place in August 2014. It contains information about fallen Ukrainian servicemen, supplemented by photographs, maps and other significant materials. Also, within the project, separate memory pages were created for ten soldiers, whose families shared their memories.
You can familiarize yourself with the “Ilovaisk: August Rubicon of the War” project by link.
It should be noted that the Inheart platform, which appeared in October 2023, allows you to preserve memories of deceased loved ones by combining their photos, videos, letters and other personal materials on one page.