Ukraine will change the rules for submitting and reviewing military servicemen’s reports
Consideration of a paper report of servicemen on certain issues must be completed no later than 48 hours.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is introducing new rules regarding the submission and consideration of military servicemen’s reports. According to the data departments, these changes are aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of servicemen, establishing clear deadlines for considering their appeals, and increasing the responsibility of commanders for the performance of these duties.
The new rules provide for a clear definition of the concept of a report and its form, which can be oral, written or electronic. The sequence and order of approval of reports by commanders is also introduced, which should ensure a more transparent and efficient process.
Deputy Minister of Defense Nataliya Kalmykova noted that before the implementation of these changes, there was no single regulatory act that would regulate the issue of reports. This often created difficulties in tracking the results of the review of reports and led to possible abuse by commanders.
The new rules also oblige commanders to justify any refusal to approve the report and to adhere to clear deadlines for its consideration. The refusal must be reasoned, and even if immediate commanders do not agree with the report, it must still be forwarded for final consideration and decision.
According to the new rules, reports related to military discipline, implementation of combat orders, preservation of life and health of personnel, as well as family leave, must be considered immediately, but no later than 48 hours after their submission. Reports on other issues are considered within 14 days.
The order also defines the consequences of violation of executive discipline regarding the consideration of reports and prevents abuse of the right to submit them. At the same time, the new Order guarantees that servicemen cannot be held accountable for the fact of submitting a report.
These changes were approved by the Order №531 dated August 6, 2024 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing work with reports of servicemen in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine”.