
What teachers should do after closing schools: detailed recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Culture

Ukraine plans to carry out a large-scale return of 300 thousand children to full-time education, which became possible thanks to the stabilization of the situation in the country and the improvement of safety conditions in educational institutions. However, this process is also related to the review and optimization of the network of distance schools, which may lead to a reduction in the number of vacancies for teachers in certain institutions.

With this in mind, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine developed a set of measures aimed at supporting teachers who may lose their jobs as a result of these changes. Here are the options currently available to educators:

Personnel reserve

A personnel reserve is created for those teachers who will temporarily be without a permanent job due to changes in the educational network. Teachers included in this reserve will receive an average salary and will have the opportunity to take advanced training courses or additional training.

Transfer to another educational institution

If the teacher needs to change his place of work due to the optimization of the school network, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has provided for the possibility of transferring to another educational institution if there are vacancies. Such a transition not only allows you to keep your job, but also guarantees the preservation of all social guarantees, including continuity of work experience and benefits.

Support and consultations

The Ministry of Education and Science has created a special infographic to provide detailed information and clarifications on the available opportunities, which is available on the official website of the department and other information resources. In addition, teachers can seek advice from their local education authorities or directly from the Ministry. Specialized webinars and informational meetings for teachers are also held, where you can get answers to current questions and learn about new opportunities that open up as part of the reform of the educational network.

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Preparation for new working conditions

The Ministry of Education emphasizes the importance of preserving the personnel potential of the educational system of Ukraine. In this regard, special attention is paid to providing teachers with the necessary information and support in the process of adaptation to new working conditions. This includes not only advanced training courses, but also opportunities for professional development and participation in new educational projects that are implemented within the framework of the state education modernization strategy.

What teachers should do after closing schools: detailed recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Culture
Photo: Ministry of Education


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