The spread of the cult of hatred in social networks and their negative consequences

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives, because they provide an opportunity to communicate with each other, share ideas, creativity and receive any information. However, along with these positive aspects, they have become the main platform for the spread of hatred, aggression, and the division of society into antagonistic camps.
This problem becomes more urgent when you consider the fact that social networks are used by millions of people around the world, and they can easily become victims or perpetrators of these acts of hate. IA “FAKT” analyzed the consequences of such a phenomenon by examining the array of content in social networks Instagram, Tik-Tok, and Facebook.
In social networks, individuals or entire bot farms use digital platforms to spread negative, offensive, violent messages, comments aimed at discriminating or trolling individuals, groups of people, or even entire communities. They include racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and any other form of discrimination.
This has become especially noticeable in recent years, when the Internet has become the main place for discussing political, social and cultural issues. Currently, there is an embitterment of people who react extremely aggressively, often with the use of obscene language, even to a neutrally expressed opinion about some phenomenon or to a photo posted on a social network.
As a rule, the most offensive comments, loudest advocacy of cruelty and display of inappropriate treatment of others come from anonymous accounts. Commentators know that this way they can express their negative views and display inappropriate behavior without fear of repercussions.
In addition, social networks allow the spread of fake information very quickly and easily, which leads to the viral spread of aggression and hatred. Unfortunately, the consequences of such behavior can be very serious and contribute to the psychological trauma of specific individuals, increased social tension, as well as violence in the real world. It is important to note that offensive content is not limited to overt violence or hate. It can be hidden, use sarcasm, irony or other forms of crude humor. It is particularly harmful because it is perceived by people as funny, which increases its spread.
Aggressive content in social networks not only causes negative emotions in those who become its victims, but also contributes to the stratification of society, increasing the division between different groups of people with polar opposite views on life. This leads to conflicts, mistrust and even violence, which undermines social stability and harmony in society. This fact is especially important now, when the country is at war and its consolidation is necessary.
In addition, people who regularly consume aggressive content begin to see it as the norm, which in turn affects their perception of reality and behavior. It is important to note that aggressive content in social networks not only affects individual consciousness, but also shapes public opinion. This is explained by the fact that social media is a powerful mass communication tool that can be used to manipulate public opinion and shape social norms.
In order to effectively resist the spread of aggressive content in social networks and its impact on social stratification, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms behind this process. Overall, social media is a powerful communication tool that can be used for both positive and negative purposes. In order to reduce the impact of offensive content and its impact on social stratification, it is necessary to investigate the causes and consequences of its posting, actively work to increase people’s awareness of this problem, and develop and implement effective countermeasures.
At the same time, it is important to remember that the fight against the cult of hatred in social networks is not only a task for the companies that own these platforms. Each of us must play a significant role in this process – refuse to spread negativity, express our position against discrimination, support those who have become victims on the Internet, oppose the cult of hatred in social networks in every possible way.