49 thousand people registered in the Unified Register of Missing Persons
As of today, 49,000 people who are wanted are registered in the Unified Register of Missing Persons, among whom more than 1,750 are children. Artur Dobroserdov, the commissioner for issues of missing persons under special circumstances, told about this during the Yedyni Novyny telethon.
In total, the register contains about 59,000 entries. This figure includes not only people who are still wanted, but also those who have already been found, as well as records of unidentified bodies for which investigations and examinations are ongoing.
“Currently, more than 49,000 people are wanted as missing persons under special circumstances. Almost 8,000 people have already been searched, that is, their location has been established, they have returned to the territory of Ukraine or are in countries with which we have active international legal relations agreement. They are safe, free.” – noted Dobroserdov.
He also added that some of those who were found are identified bodies that died as a result of Russian aggression.
“Among the wanted persons, 1,769 are children under the age of 18”, – added Dobroserdov.
He emphasized that on the basis of the units of the National Police in different regions of Ukraine there are already 20 centers that are engaged in searching for missing persons.